Source code for selectorlib.selectorlib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import parsel
import yaml
import inspect

from .exceptions import UnsupportedItemType

def extract_field(element, item_type, attribute=None, formatter=None):
    if item_type == 'Text':
        texts = [
            i.strip() for i in element.xpath('.//text()').getall() if i.strip()
        content = " ".join(texts)
    elif item_type == 'Link':
        content = element.xpath('.//@href').get()
    elif item_type == 'HTML':
        content = element.get()
    elif item_type == 'Attribute':
        content = element.attrib.get(attribute)
    elif item_type == 'Image':
        content = element.attrib.get('src')
        raise UnsupportedItemType(
            f'Item Type "{item_type}" is not supported.'
            f' Supported item_types are ["Text", "Link", "HTML", "Attribute",'
            f' "Image"]'
    if formatter:
        content = formatter.format(content)
    return content

[docs]class Extractor: """selector class""" def __init__(self, config, formatters=None): self._validate_config(config) self.config = config if formatters: formatters = [i() if inspect.isclass(i) else i for i in formatters] self.formatters = { i for i in formatters} else: self.formatters = {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml_string(cls, yaml_string: str, formatters=None): """create `Extractor` object from yaml string >>> yaml_string = ''' title: css: "h1" type: Text ''' >>> extractor = Extractor.from_yaml_string(yaml_string) """ config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string) return cls(config, formatters=formatters)
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml_file(cls, yaml_filename: str, formatters=None): """create `Extractor` object from yaml file >>> extractor = Extractor.from_yaml_string('selectors.yaml') """ with open(yaml_filename) as yaml_fileobj: config = yaml.safe_load( return cls(config, formatters=formatters)
[docs] def extract(self, html: str, base_url: str = None): """ Args: html: html string base_url (str, optional): specifying the base_url will make all extracted Links absolute Returns: dict: extracted data from given html string >>> response = requests.get(url) >>> extractor.extract(response.text, base_url=response.url) """ sel = parsel.Selector(html, base_url=base_url) if base_url: sel.root.make_links_absolute() fields_data = {} for selector_name, selector_config in self.config.items(): fields_data[selector_name] = self._extract_selector( selector_config, sel ) return fields_data
def _extract_selector(self, field_config, parent_parser): if field_config.get("xpath") is not None: elements = parent_parser.xpath(field_config['xpath']) else: css = field_config['css'] if css == '': elements = [parent_parser] else: elements = parent_parser.css(field_config['css']) item_type = field_config.get('type', 'Text') if not elements: return None values = [] for element in elements: if 'children' in field_config: value = self._get_child_item(field_config, element) else: kwargs = {'attribute': field_config.get('attribute')} if 'attribute' in field_config: kwargs['attribute'] = field_config['attribute'] if 'format' in field_config: kwargs['formatter'] = self.formatters[ field_config['format'] ] value = extract_field(element, item_type, **kwargs) if field_config.get('multiple') is not True: return value else: values.append(value) return values def _get_child_item(self, field_config, element): children_config = field_config['children'] child_item = {} for field in children_config: child_value = self._extract_selector( children_config[field], element ) child_item[field] = child_value return child_item def _validate_config(self, config): if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError("Expected <dict> for config") valid_field_types = {'Text', 'Link', 'HTML', 'Image', 'Attribute'} for field_name, field_config in config.items(): if field_config.get('type') not in valid_field_types: raise UnsupportedItemType( f'Item Type "{field_config.get("type")}" for Field ' f'"{field_name}" is not supported. Supported item_types' f' are ["Text", "Link", "HTML", "Attribute",' f' "Image"]' )